A Parks Police helicopter inspects for earthquake damage to the Washington Monument shortly after an earthquake struck Washington, DC August 23, 2011. One of the strongest earthquakes to strike the US east coast in decades rattled offices Tuesday in downtown Washington and caused panicked evacuations from skyscrapers as far away as New York. The Pentagon, the US Capitol and Union Station in the nation’s capital were all evacuated after the 5.9-magnitude quake, which was shallow with its epicenter only 0.6 miles (one kilometer) underground.
The big question on most peoples minds from VA here in the next few days when earthquake damages begin to show will be,
(C) Joe Brennan is President and owner/operator of Insurance Claims Group, Inc., a national independent adjusting, appraisal, and umpiring firm. We will answer your claim questions FREE as part of our FREE Insurance Advice and Insurance Claim Consulting Services.
Tornado Damage Claim Assistance (NC, SC, VA, GA, AL, MS): Early springandsummer seasonthunder stormswill frequentlycause tornado damage claims throughout many southeast US states. Most recently, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginiasufferedoverwhelmingdestruction on April 28, 2011 and April 16, 2011. Our thoughts and prayers are out to those who have suffered damages and loss of life during such a difficult time. As of noon on April 17, 2011, 22 deaths are confirmed from 62 tornadoes, in 20 counties in NC alone. Not to mention the horrific death toll that continues to rise from the April 28, 2011 storms… 335+. It’s heartbreaking. Read the rest of this entry »
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(C) Joe Brennan is President and owner/operator of Insurance Claims Group, Inc., a national independent adjusting, appraisal, and umpiring firm. We will answer your claim questions FREE as part of our FREE Insurance Advice and Insurance Claim Consulting Services.
In most cases insureds, property owners and even contractors may need support in organizing data for home owners insurance claims. They will often have issues or will need advise on certain parts of a home owners insurance claim estimation or the accompanying damages to the household.
Even worse, numerous property owners may find themselves within a dispute with their insurer. Most phone and ask us if there is any approach to challenge their home owners insurance claim with their insurance company adjuster. Yes, you can contest home owners insurance claims against your insurance company. Not all claims arrive at an agreed price. You will find there’s a provision named Appraisal in many property insurance policies that enable both parties of the policy to reconcile their issues by using a less costly, less time consuming, course of action without the need to settle the dispute in a court of law.Read the rest of this entry »
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(C) Joe Brennan is President and owner/operator of Insurance Claims Group, Inc., a national independent adjusting, appraisal, and umpiring firm. We will answer your claim questions FREE as part of our FREE Insurance Advice and Insurance Claim Consulting Services.
Many of my articles, posts, webpages, etc. start off with “Most people believe…”. I’ve tried to think of other ways to explain to people that things are not always as they seem – or appear as they should. Well, with insurance policies, insurance claims, and the insurance industry – many people find themselves scratching their heads with disbelief when they finally suffer damage to their property.
So, here I go again… Most people believe that when they buy insurance, they will be taken care of when, and if, a tragedy occurs. It’s really quite simple.
We purchase insurance.
We have been paying for coverage for over X-amount of years.
When we have a claim the insurance company will be eager to help us and fulfill there part of the bargain.
(C) Joe Brennan is President and owner/operator of Insurance Claims Group, Inc., a national independent adjusting, appraisal, and umpiring firm. We will answer your claim questions FREE as part of our FREE Insurance Advice and Insurance Claim Consulting Services.
Insurance Appraisal: It seems lately as more and more claims enter into appraisal, the clause is being invoke without merit. To actually qualify an insurance claim for the appraisal process there first must be a dispute over the “amount of loss”. However, only after the parties have exhausted negotiations. Read the rest of this entry »
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(C) Joe Brennan is President and owner/operator of Insurance Claims Group, Inc., a national independent adjusting, appraisal, and umpiring firm. We will answer your claim questions FREE as part of our FREE Insurance Advice and Insurance Claim Consulting Services.
Insurance Appraisal: As an independent insurance appraiser resolving insurance disputes as an impartial party, I often see that insurance companies are missing items in their estimates to return damaged properties to pre-loss conditions. Most of the time it’s because insurance adjusters are overloaded with claims, getting pressure from upper management, or most often the adjuster is just simply not qualified to review the damages in the first place. Now, there are some very experienced adjusters with backgrounds that qualify them as experts in the type of losses they adjust. You’d be fortunate to actually get one to visit your property in your time of need. Read the rest of this entry »
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(C) Joe Brennan is President and owner/operator of Insurance Claims Group, Inc., a national independent adjusting, appraisal, and umpiring firm. We will answer your claim questions FREE as part of our FREE Insurance Advice and Insurance Claim Consulting Services.
An insurance dispute held up the demolition of a house destroyed by fire for over a year. Unfortunately, this type of situation can happen. In fact, some disputes can last even two to three years or longer. Even more unfortunate than the loss of the home was the loss of two family members who died in the fire.
The following story was broadcast by WRAL News on May 7, 2008 – one year to the day they covered the original story about the fire itself. This story has personal affects on me as I was the independent appraiser for the insured in this case.
WRAL News – The May 7, 2007, fire at 1884 Memorial Church Road, in Fremont, claimed the lives of Shannon Minshew and her 77-year-old, bed-ridden grandmother, Mayola Waddell. Read the rest of this entry »
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(C) Joe Brennan is President and owner/operator of Insurance Claims Group, Inc., a national independent adjusting, appraisal, and umpiring firm. We will answer your claim questions FREE as part of our FREE Insurance Advice and Insurance Claim Consulting Services.
Property Damage Claim – The insurance sector declared record gains since 2004. According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), property insurers net income had grown $24 billion dollars from 2005 to 2006. In 2005, the industry earned profits of $49 billion; across 2006, the number accelerated to $73 billion! Keep in mind that such profits were obtained within two of the most costly hurricane damage years in history – 2004 and 2005. These particular statistics are leading several to wonder, “Why are insurance company revenues so substantial?” Read the rest of this entry »
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(C) Joe Brennan is President and owner/operator of Insurance Claims Group, Inc., a national independent adjusting, appraisal, and umpiring firm. We will answer your claim questions FREE as part of our FREE Insurance Advice and Insurance Claim Consulting Services.
Insurance Claim Help for Homeowners – Money Magazine published a good article relating to how insurance carriers suppress related information from property owners when they suffer from insurance damages. The particular article reports — “An insurance company that wants to hold down payout costs has several ways to do that. One involves the software designed to help assess financial damages.” Read the rest of this entry »
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(C) Joe Brennan is President and owner/operator of Insurance Claims Group, Inc., a national independent adjusting, appraisal, and umpiring firm. We will answer your claim questions FREE as part of our FREE Insurance Advice and Insurance Claim Consulting Services.
Insurance Problems – When Hurricane Katrina made landfall on Aug. 29, 2005, it caused an estimated $41.1 billion in insured losses across six states, and took an incalculable economic and social toll on many communities. Five years later, the recovery continues and some residents in the most severely affected states of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi are still struggling. (Insurance Advice available for those still struggling). Read the rest of this entry »
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(C) Joe Brennan is President and owner/operator of Insurance Claims Group, Inc., a national independent adjusting, appraisal, and umpiring firm. We will answer your claim questions FREE as part of our FREE Insurance Advice and Insurance Claim Consulting Services.