Hail Claims Can Be Settled Through Appraisal
Posted by Joe Brennan | Posted in Homeowners Insurance, Independent Appraiser, Insurance Advice, Insurance Claims Help, Insurance Dispute | Posted on 05-28-2010
With the proper assistance you can resolve a hail claim dispute with your insurance company, as well as any other insurance problem you may incur. It is untrue for people believe the only way to fight an insurance claim is in a court of law. If you do decide to handle it in such a manner it will require a ton of money and twice as much effort. You will also need to be sure the policy you authorized with the insurance company will even allow you to do such a thing.
You may find yourself in the middle of a dispute with your insurance provider from property damaged by hail. Many believe as though they will never see the money they are entitled to receive from their claim. It seems as though the insurance company is finding ways NOT to pay the claim, then finding ways to settle it for an accurate amount of loss. People will either settle for bare minimum or give up fighting before they see any results at all. It is a tough fight, however, it’s not a fight that you have to endure alone.
Sometimes people run across oppositions that are hard to believe. They may be told, the damage is NOT extensive enough, or that the damage comes from a previous problem, like wear and tear or previous hail damage. Settling a claim due to hail can be very difficult with some insurance companies. Some carriers run their own tests to see what they would consider extensive damage to a roof, property, vehicle or building. The real issue is, they are not running tests on your actual roof, siding, and/or belongings, so the same age and conditions of your property is far from that of the off-site testing facility.
If you are trying to resolve a dispute with a big-name insurance company it is best to be prepared in advance for all the questions they will ask. This means having all your documents and information ready. To cut out a lot of problems it is wise to already have a professional estimate of the damage. There is nothing wrong with having more than one repair bid. However, you as the homeowner, you as the policyholder, yes you, the one who paid for the policy, has th right to chose who will repair the damages to your property. So, do not be pushed into using the lowest price.
Due to the fact that there are some people in the world who file false claims, insurance companies have to take the time to find out if your claim is valid or not. If you already have your information ready from a professional individual who can recognize hail damage, this should not be a problem. The first hump is having the insurance company acknowledge that you have a valid claim.
Getting advice from an unbiased party will prove to be a benefit for you. Independent Appraisers or roofing consultants have multiple years of knowledge in what they do, and understand how to help find the value in what you are claiming.
When you are forced to settle your dispute via the appraisal process, dealing with an experienced independent appraiser will be critical. The process calls for three people on the panel to help review and go through your information as well as the insurance information on your hail claim. As you fight against the insurance companies, just remember that you do not have to do it alone. There is help out there.
Get your insurance appraisal questions answered FREE OF CHARGE by calling the Hail Damage Claim Hotline at 919-669-9111.
Do you reside in an area where hail storms are always a possible hazard? Has a hail storm damaged your property? Learn more about the insurance appraisal process and educate yourself on what options you have.
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(C) Joe Brennan is President and owner/operator of Insurance Claims Group, Inc., a national independent adjusting, appraisal, and umpiring firm. We will answer your claim questions FREE as part of our FREE Insurance Advice and Insurance Claim Consulting Services.
Insurance Claims Group, Inc.
Joe Brennan
Ph: 919-669-9111
Fx: 919-573-9595
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