Insurance Dispute The Delay, Deny, Defend Game
Posted by Joe Brennan | Posted in Fire Insurance Claims, Homeowners Insurance, Insurance Advice, Insurance Claims Help, Insurance Dispute | Posted on 08-31-2012
Insurance Dispute The Delay, Deny, Defend Game
For the last few years I’ve been consulting many of my clients of the practice used by “some” insurance companies called Delay, Deny, Defend. Below is actually the “second” report Anderson Cooper has done about this topic. Although the report is about auto claims… the same holds true for home insurance claims, business claims, etc.
There is also a book titled “Delay, Deny, Defend by Feinman, Jay M. which can be purchased here. The book and videos are real eye openers… no matter which side you’re on.
The other story by Anderson Cooper was reported on the TV show “360 with Anderson Cooper”. It was reported in two parts. See them both here:
Insurance Dispute Part Two
Insurance Dispute Resolution
As stated, these stories are about auto claims, however, insurance companies use this Delay, Deny, Defend game for home insurance claims, business claims, etc.
Yes, you can dispute low-ball insurance claim estimates with your insurance carrier or adjuster. Many insureds disagree with their insurance adjuster with larger insurance claims. A clause called Appraisal is within most insurance contracts that allows you to settle your insurance dispute with your insurance company using a less costly and less time consuming process than a law suit.
If you have an insurance dispute with Allstate, State Farm, or any other insurance company, you can obtain insurance dispute information at our webpage: . Unfortunately, insurance dispute s are inevitable with larger claims. Fortunately, insurance dispute help is just a phone call away 919-669-9111.
Also see:
The Book – Delay, Deny Defend
Insurance Dispute Held Up Demolition of Fatal Fire Site .
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(C) Joe Brennan is President and owner/operator of Insurance Claims Group, Inc., a national independent adjusting, appraisal, and umpiring firm. We will answer your claim questions FREE as part of our FREE Insurance Advice and Insurance Claim Consulting Services.
Insurance Claims Group, Inc.
Joe Brennan
Ph: 919-669-9111
Fx: 919-573-9595
Insurance Claim Help and questions about Independent Appraiser Services is available by visiting Insurance Claims Group | Insurance Appraisal Services | Insurance Appraisal Process | Insurance Appraisal Umpire | Fire Insurance Claims
I wanted to thank you yet again for the amazing website you have created here. It is full of useful tips for those who actually need assistance with an insurance claim dispute, particularly this very post. You’re really knowledgeable plus reading this blog has been wonderful for me. And what a generous reward! Jeff and I really have enjoyment making use of your points in what we should do in the next few weeks. Thanks for answering all our questions.
This is so true
Great to collect premiums, bad to pay claims. They suck
Currently dealing with this now!! 12 unit apartment building completely out of commission since FEB. 20th & no satisfaction from our insurance company!!! The latest email from them stated they believed that the refrigerators & a Nordic track we had stored in the basement were probably older then the dates given!!! They now want the serial numbers from them!!!! Really???!!!! Unbelievable !!! Feels like they are trying to hold this up on purpose!!! What about the burnt out building & twisted I-beams & the melted support beams!
Hi Abigail, hang in there. It can be frustrating, but getting all your ducks in a row is the first priority. Make sure you DO NOT throw anything away or gut the property. All that does is get rid of your evidence. You should actually wait for your carrier to complete their analysis… but, keep yourself prepared n the event you disagree with their findings. This may help you –
That’s why my family has state farm insurance, they are the BEST…
No State Farm is not the best. The best insurance company is USAA. That being said, as a public adjuster, unless you have an attorney or the services of a public adjuster , your insurance company will not be looking out for your best interest
I agree with Roberto, State Farm is one of the worst (in the top 3) an USAA is one of the best.