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Hail Damage Claims And Fraudulent Contractors

Posted by Joe Brennan | Posted in Homeowners Insurance, Insurance Advice, Insurance Claims Help, Insurance Dispute | Posted on 12-20-2011


Hail Damage Claims And Fraudulent Contractors

hail damage claimsMany hail damage claims events have engulfed the United States this past year. This has caused an increase in the amount of hail damage claims that have been reported to insurance companies. However, the increase in hail damage claims reported is not just from the claim events themselves, but rather unethical contractors as well.

You may recall an article I authored, “Insurance Appraisal And The Insured’s Integrity“, explaining an appraisal I was involved with where the insured was claiming things that occurred during Hurricane Irene that were just not possible. Well, be careful of your contractor’s integrity as well. CBS News recently ran a story where contractor’s where purposely damaging roofs after a large hail storm.

Below is video from the broadcast about Hail Damage Claims fraud:

Unfortunately,  this is not the first or last time such fraud has taken place. In the video above you will notice the contractor “spinning” his hands in a circular motion on the roof shingles. In the story below a contractor was found to be directing his sales team to purposely damage roofs using a process known in the industry as “dime spinning”.

Hail Damage Claims From Dime Spinning.

Now, please understand, not all contractor’s that are out educating homeowner’s that they may have valid hail damage claims are fraudulent. If you are skeptical about a contractor visiting your home, get their business card and advise them that you’d like them to inspect your roof with your insurance company adjuster present. If you are physically able, you can inspect the roof with the contractor.

As always, if you have a covered loss, the insurance company should pay, if you do not, then they should not pay! As in my last article mentioned above, “It’s bad enough suffering a loss, and for many people having to battle with their adjuster for a fair settlement. Please, do not compromise your integrity by making false statements about your claim in an effort to profit from a loss. It’s illegal, your entire claim can be denied due to fraud, and your family will be left without you for the next few holiday seasons while you’re serving your prison sentence. Insurance Appraisal is in the policy for the benefit of both parties, to resolve claim disputes using a less costly and less time consuming process…don’t abuse it!”

Find out more if you have a hail damage claims dispute.

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(C) Joe Brennan is President and owner/operator of Insurance Claims Group, Inc., a national independent adjusting, appraisal, and umpiring firm. We will answer your claim questions FREE as part of our FREE Insurance Advice and Insurance Claim Consulting Services.

Insurance Claims Group, Inc.
Joe Brennan
Ph: 919-669-9111
Fx: 919-573-9595

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Comments posted (5)

In Minnesota many Contractors over the years have asked their Clients to sign Contracts agreeing to let the Contractor take care of the Insured’s Claim for them. The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry began cracking down on Roofing Contractors in 2010 that were asking Clients to sign those agreements, because the only Party that can manage an Insured’s Claim for the Insured, is a Licensed Adjuster. You should be cautious of any Contractors that ask you to sign any Agreements allowing them to manage your Claim. It’s not just against the Law in Minnesota, but it can quickly lead to Legal problems, create additional damages, and ultimately leave you paying for the repairs yourself.

I have had the privilege of receiving priceless advice from Joe as I continue the challenge of managing 4 separate insurance claims.

While I truly look forward and treasure his posts – I can never thank him enough!

Hi Eugenia,

Nice to hear from you and see you on the blog here. Thank you so much. You know I’m here if you need me.

Hi Scott,

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Thanks for sharing.

Q: Are their any other states that anyone knows of that have similar protection laws?

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